Welcome to ‘OPFH’ Navigation
Text or Video – your choice !

Making life better for you, is our 1st priority, but in doing so, we also realize the need to make & keep it simple for everyone.

Navigating can be a nightmare, unless you are well familiar with navigating Websites.  You will find every category well explained as to its indented use, on every Landing page. Landing page is always the first page showing in any Category, when clicking on any ‘Link’.

‘Step by Step’ instructions in Text – Click here
To watch ‘how to’ in Video – Click here


Navigating ‘OPFH’ – Overview
Navigating OPFH is simple when you follow these simple guidelines

The most important thing when navigating any Website is – to read – then practice.
The second most important – do not be afraid to ‘click’ on anything – it will not explode.
When a page ‘disappears’ , you just need to ‘go back’ to the last page and start over.
‘OPFH’  has been designed to make it simple to follow, and the instructions below, will help you to learn easily.

Navigation Tools 

The ‘Mouse’
left side ‘click’ – you ‘command’ an action, ‘click’ the right side will give you choices

This Symbol (∇)  
indicates a ‘drop-down’, offering a number of different ‘Categories’ to choose from

Words in ‘Blue’
underlined or not – signify a ‘Link’ to another subject related page. ‘Click’ on it and it will take you there. Anytime  your Cursor turns into a Hand, its a ‘Link’.

Everything else is clearly identifiable by the text itself.
The brown band directly beneath the top ‘AD -Banner’ is the top MENU, which is also repeated below the bottom ‘AD-Banner’ in an open format. When you first come to ‘OPFH’,  you are on the Websites ‘Home-Page’ all other ‘first’ pages are  ‘Landing-Pages’.

How to JOIN
For a visual ‘step by step’ demonstration on ‘how to’ JOIN any Category, watch the Video Guide, which is typical for all JOIN and associated Categories. 
For answers concerning other questions you may have , click on this Link to Q & A.

Select your Language
‘OPFH’  is seen the World over, and can be used in all Countries you see in the ‘Drop Down’ of the World Globe. Those are the Countries in which ‘OPFH’ offers its full services Platform at this time, more will be added as time goeswon.

We recommend that you spent a few minutes to read ‘ABOUT’, which gives you a very good insight in what ‘OPFH’  is all about


Thank you for visiting ‘OPFH’ , we hope you will find the services & other content offered here to your liking and benefit. Enjoy ‘browsing’ on ‘OPFH’ and don’t forget to pass it on to someone you like.

The OPFH Team


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