JOIN ‘Professionals’ & ‘Services’ on ‘OPFH’

If life is good – your future bright, you may want to find out what ‘OPFH’ is offering to advertise your business on an ‘exclusive’ basis in your area & activities.

Real Estate transaction take place on a daily basis, which require professional services. ‘OPFH’ offers Professionals, who also offer Real Estate related services, a unique positioning to get more of that business.

On ‘OPFH’ you can be found, as the only one in your Geo-area, featured – offering your specific services. No other advertising platform offers exclusivity like this, which places 100% of focus on you or your company.

Real Estate is purchased by Buyers ‘World Wide’, if they actually move here – or not, it is good business in addition to the local activity of constant buying and selling.

Both sides need proof of facts & conditions, before entering into an Purchase & Sales Agreement – its a never ending cycle. But are you getting your share of that business ? If you feel it needs improving, if immediately or ‘down the road’, look at being one of these Professionals or Services, offering their Setvices, to both Buyers and Sellers using ‘OPFH’ to find what they are looking for.

Index of Professions and services which are featured on ‘OPFH’ (in alfa order)
Appraisers, Arborist, Cleaning Services, Home Inspectors, Home Repair & Renovations, Insurance Brokers & Companies, Lawyers & Law Offices, Mortgage Brokers, Notary Public, Real Estate Licensees, Surveyors.

Most Buyers or Sellers
don’t have connections to Professionals & Services, finding them right here will be very useful, as it saves time and energy on both sides. Individuals will look for the most convenient way, of finding someone who can do the job.

Once you have taken a position, it is yours for as long as you wish to stay on ‘OPFH’s list of “Professionals & Services”. Simply ‘renew’ when receiving your reminder and you are good for another year.

Being the only one in your City, in your profession, offering your services, is ‘unique’ in Advertising, giving you the ‘edge’ over your competitors.

This is a ‘first come – first serve’ opportunity, and may not come again for years.

You must be licensed in the area you offer to do business, and be in possession of your valid Trade or Professional accreditation from your association.

To see if your particular Services are still open to offer, go to ‘Help When U Need It’ and see if the position is already taken. If so, it will show the Subscriber, which will mean its no longer available for this GEO area.

If it is still available, you may wish to secure it by ‘joining’ NOW.
Please note; there will be NO refunds for any reason.
‘All ‘Listings are a Contract in Law, and cannot be transferred to anyone without written authorization by the ‘OPFH’ Services Corp.

Individual Professionals & Services pay only $400.00 per annum.
Click here to List yourself as ‘Individual’.

Company Professionals & Services pay $1,200.00 per annum.
Click here to List yourself as ‘Company’.

We wish you much success.
The OPFH Team


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