To anyone using features of the ‘OPFH’ – RE services to ‘POST’ their Property (For Sale by Owners & Builders)
It is the sole responsibility of the ‘Poster’, if the owner or someone on the owner’s behalf, to make sure that all statements and claims are true to the best of their knowledge.
If expert advice is needed, consult the ‘Help when U Need It’ page, which gives Contacts for most services you may need, to complete a transaction. These contacts are in no way endorsed by OPFH Services Corp., but must only be seen as a resource for finding applicable Services as they relate to Real Estate matters. It is good practice to do your own vetting of any person offering their services to you, no matter what the contact source.
You are at liberty to engage the services of anyone you want and is not shown on this list of professionals.
The OPFH Team
OPFH’s ‘General Disclaimer’ applies also