‘OPFH’ Multi-Membership selection platform              ( In 29 Countries around the World – and growing…)
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‘OPFH’- ServiceProviders

‘Every ‘Skill’ has a value’

Thousands of Jobs waiting to be done – Extra Cash in your pocket

By listing yourself on this website, along with thousands of other  Individuals – World-Wide, you are actively taking charge of your life again.
This site is reserved for Seniors reaching their 60th. year in life – or more, counting the year of becoming a Member. It is intended to give exclusive exposure to Seniors, who are willing and able to offer their time on a part- or full time basis.
Continue to ‘Service Providers’

Socialize….. in “OP – Social”

Socializing made easy

We all need Friends to talk to, to spend time with … As time goes on, Friends and family members leave us, for whatever the reason, we lose something, which makes it not just important, but absolutely ‘essential’, to make new Friends, however casual, to stay emotionally and physically healthy. We need to make ‘new connections’ . OP-Social makes it easy and convenient.
Continue to OP – Social

OPFH – Entrepreneur Mentor ‘EM’

Where Mentors meet Entrepreneurs

Every day Entrepreneurs in all age groups come up with ideas, many very good ones never see the light of day for a number of reasons.
Men and Women of all ages, but often the very young, have great ideas, but neither the money nor the human resources or expertise it takes to develop their concept to a useful completion and to market.
Continue to Entrepreneur Mentor ‘EM’

OPFH – Professionals

Assisting Buyers & Sellers of Property

If you are interested to be contacted for assistance by a Real Estate Owner who has ‘Posted’ their property for sale on OPFH, or a Purchaser, just fill out the Application, click next, which will take you to the payment portal and you will be listed under “Help When U Need It”.
You must be licensed in the area you offer to do business and be in possession of your valid Trade or Professional accreditation from your association.
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OPFH– Affiliate program

Another way to make Money with OPFH

Most of us know of individuals who would benefit from a Membership on OPFH.
Retail Businesses, small to mid-sized have depended on size and type of Business, a good amount of traffic coming through.
Other again have a large circle of family & Friends on Social Media Platforms.
Then there are those who already make Social Media their Platform for earning a living and have a growing and perhaps already a huge following
These are only examples and you may find that you have your own unique environment you can add this to.
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OPFH – Free Subscribers

Visitors Welcome to OPFH

Not everyone wishes to be a Member but would like to look and see what is new & interesting. We welcome you to come back at any time and hope you will enjoy and talk about the Services and features you find on OPFH. Depending on your age, you may even be able to take advantage of our Membership offerings at most affordable cost.
To find out all about OldProsForHire.com – go to ABOUT and get all the details.
As a Subscriber you have additional free access to; ServiceProviders, Mentors “EM’ Search, Blogs Archive, Events.
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