i*Entrepreneur… have ideas……but could use some help ?

Seniors have experience & time!

Asking for expert support is a wise move !   It could make the difference between success or failure.


Starting a new Business / Bringing new Ideas – Inventions to market, can be a daunting task even for experienced individuals. Asking for expert support is a wise move !  It may make the difference between success or failure.

There is a wealth of experience out there, waiting to be ‘tapped’. Seniors have a lifetime of expertise just waiting to be put to good use. They have the time and would love to see a challenge of interest to them. They also have the patience and enough financial stability to not go hungry if an Entrepreneur can not ‘ante-up’ right away.

The combination of an Entrepreneur with a good idea, and the energy to develop it – invest time and some money can often be complemented by an experienced Senior, who has the interest and time needed to fill the void of the Entrepreneurs needs.

To find an EM please select “Mentor”EM” under “Skills” in the “Category – ‘ Consultants” Search Engine. When you find someone who feels can help you to move ahead, be clear of your Goal, and openly discuss what each of you would like to get out of it.

It is good to remember, that many good ideas have never seen the light of day, because of someone ‘wanting it all’. It is better to have a good idea go forward and have a piece of it, then keep the ‘whole’ of nothing.

Note: it is a good practice to discuss and reduce any agreement to writing before an actual value is added by the EM. In case of a long-term engagement, it may be advisable to have a ‘case-specific’ agreement drafted by a legal advisor, experienced in such matters.

To start the process of finding your “EM” ‘ Click Here  To Subscribe


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